The weekend started off with an exhausting morning of cricket for Felix, who has to be repeatedly reminded that when fielding, tackling his fellow team members for the ball is not appropriate. He has only got 2 weeks left, however we are now being asked whether to sign him up for the soccer team, or the rugby team - his behaviour on the cricket pitch probably points to the latter, however he is working through the pro's and con's of each one himself...this mostly consists of which of his friends are going to be at each one and going with the group that he prefers at that particular moment in time.
James went into feed Kimmy and Maureen and as a very pregnant Kimmy (or Maureen...lets just clear this up right now and say the pregnant one is Kimmy) heaved herself up quite a lot of milk poured out of her teats. We now know from experience that this means that farrowing is imminent, so James had the fun task of trying to separate her off from her absolute best friend from whom she has never been apart. This done he then got her down to the farrowing pen where she went straight inside and promptly had 6 piglets - well, when I say promptly it took a couple of hours but the she must have had her legs crossed in there waiting for someone to come and take her somewhere with a bed she decided was appropriate for the situation.
We then had to rush the kids into the car for the very hyped up camping trip. Ninety minutes and 4 stops to clean the vomit off Emily later we got to Hill End....it was a very windy road. We followed the directions to the 'Bridle Track', which I thought would be a small dirt road down to a river where I would see lots of tents and people camping along the edge side. The road started innocently enough (although looking back there was a large sign at the beginning giving about 10 warnings of various dangers that awaited you on the road and said 4WD only) but pretty soon was just a track big enough for one car and a sheer drop off the other side. Emily was too sick to care, Felix was utterly terrified...I tried to be brave for about 5 minutes, then I thought 'bugger this we ARE going to die' and so buried my face in the pillow and clutched Felix for the whole 9 km trip down the mountain to the bottom. Once we were there, wondering the whole way whether we were on the right track, we quickly found everybody and had a fantastic night. Both the kids loved it and joined the child and dog pack running around in the dirt and generally having a great time. They both slept without so much as a peep out of them and although i found a spider in the tent the next morning, I am quite taken with camping and have decided that we should invest in a tent - after buying the ute it is surely the next step before the swag and the horse??