Exactly like a weightwatchers meeting in reverse, our pigs hopped on the scales today for the second week running. We decided to hold off on the morning feed so that they would follow James without question and would wait until about 9.30 to start. This left the possibility of a bit of a lie in for James, who was then called out to see a dog at 6.00am in the morning instead. As predicted, all 46 were noisily squealing at the gate, and although they required a bit of driving they basically came out and followed James down to the cattle yards as planned. About halfway through the process we looked around for Lillian, who had craftily waited out of sight and then taken herself on a little tour around the farm.... slight worry that she was high tailing it over the hills and far away was averted when we spotted her happily guzzling down apples in the feed shed (above). I think she went through a bag and I bet she is in her paddock with a tummy ache for her troubles. All the others went through the scales without too much stress this time - we cheered the bigger ones on (as in "58 kilos YAY, 3 kilos since last week... and your prize is..."). We also spent lots of time handling them - which they are all very used to now - they all like a back scratch and a shoulder rub and are very inquisitive. This is good in some ways, however it makes them very hard to drive as their response to shouting and waving is pretty much "alright, alright - in a minute you impatient human".
Two days until our Free Range Pork Farmers Association inspection, we have checked everything off the list and are looking forward to the arrival of the 2 new sows to the herd at the same time.