Here are the girls in their new 'home'...it is a much bigger field with some maize in it (right) that they made very short work of in the first 24 hours. They are having a lovely time galloping about and generally trashing the new area, meanwhile James is planning to plant a turnip crop in the old paddock to give them something to dig around and eat when it eventually recovers. Meanwhile D day approaches quickly - Gloria is due at the abattoir next Tuesday, true to our usual style we have some slight last minute problems with the politics between the Free Range Pork Farmers Association (Us) and the Australian Pork Limited (intensive) - it appears that there is not much love lost between some members of each and we may not be able to get a number that is necessary to tick the box for the final hurdle when taking them to the abattoir... we have a contingency plan and it is apparently being fought out over the weekend - who would have thought - I am trying not to worry about it because there is a possibility that we may grind to a halt at the final stages but we are thinking POSITIVE.
Final sausage tastings took place with our travelling farmhands making a very welcome comback, and James also tried some of the Mudgee Fine Foods committee members to finalise our thoughts. The banner is being printed and the aprons are too (watch out for our merchandise next). It suddenly occurred to me this week that we are actually going to do this, every weekend, from now on (when I made this point to someone they were astonished that it has taken this long to hit me). I can only assume I have been in denial for my own sanity.