Well, it was a proud day for Coco and Felix who entered the Pet Show at the local Mudgee Show today. Competition was TOUGH...amongst the 3 entries in the class there was a guinea pig, a chihuahua and of course Coco. Felix took over the microphone and the conversation around the showground went a little like this:
Commentator: So, what is your name
Felix: Felix Daniel Caspar
C: wow, and what is this little guys name, can he do any tricks then
F: HE can't do any tricks because HE is a girl...
C: Oh, sorry, well can she do any tricks
F: yes, she can roll over
C: can you show us
F: No, only my Mum can get her to do it with a special word
And so it went on. Coco was very good, she took out the prize for 'Most Obedient' although Felix was a little miffed that she didn't also get 'Most Friendly'.
I only wish that I got some entries in for the baked section of the show - some of my special favourites were - best packet baked cake and - best loaf from a breadmaker... James is determined to win both next year. The animal nursery was met with boredom by both kids who said 'we have all of those animals at home, why would I want to see them here', however both went on the Dodgem cars with James to great excitement although Emily looked as though she was going to throw up for a lot of it (as did James towards the end). Sadly we couldn't stay for the ute muster although we were determined to stay and see the first heat of the camel race...
I only wish that I got some entries in for the baked section of the show - some of my special favourites were - best packet baked cake and - best loaf from a breadmaker... James is determined to win both next year. The animal nursery was met with boredom by both kids who said 'we have all of those animals at home, why would I want to see them here', however both went on the Dodgem cars with James to great excitement although Emily looked as though she was going to throw up for a lot of it (as did James towards the end). Sadly we couldn't stay for the ute muster although we were determined to stay and see the first heat of the camel race...