Coco is doing a beautiful job with the littlies who are almost 3 weeks old. They have suddenly turned from small squirming sleepers to tail wagging trouble makers. Felix and Emily are delighted and spend pretty much all their time in the whelping box which Coco so helpfully shares. She is a lovely mother, although at times as we look into the box with them all clamouring about her she gives me a look that says "don't make me go in there". They are very lively and difficult to cuddle because they want to practice walking and wobbling about and generally making sense of the world. This brings me to Beatrice. In the beginning we had some concerns about her mental capabilities as she seemed very happy to lie quite happily with Emily for indefinite periods of time. This is like a little girls dream and Emi and Bea spend most of their time in each others company. We have decided Bea has no interest in being a working springer and would actually prefer to be a toy poodle - or maybe on of those handbag dogs. Above is where we usually find her... below is everyone else..