It has been a disappointing month for piglets really. With Kimmy and Lillian only having 4 and Andrea having 6 (of which two died of some kind of infection - unfortunately despite all our best efforts Aiden came through the operation well but even the handknitted jumper didn't help once he got sick). All hopes were on Beccie who copes with life with with a very sweet and laid back way. She was absolutely huge but decided to farrow outside while we were away - this wouldnt have been a problem but 3 of her littlies decided to wander off at 1 day old, and another 2 died the next day. This leaves her with 7 strapping little piglets. She moved them inside and James built a doorway on her hut, she repaid him by chasing him down and scaring the *&^% out of him. With numbers low we have bought in 11 six week old weaners from a Berkshire breeder not far from us. Little Leanne looks as though she is having her first litter, although we are not sure if the father is Maguire or if one of the males in the weaner paddock got in there first. The next lot of fencing has been planned which will mean we have 4 large weaner fields, a boar paddock, a nursery paddock and we can winter the sows in the large field at the front, but bring them into the woods for the summer shade. Winter has meant that we have planted our asparagus crowns, mandarin trees and raspberries. We said goodbye to Joker who went back to his owners, much to the disappointment of the kids (and me) so I guess we are on the lookout now for a pony, maybe a bit bigger so that I can ride it as well.
Emi's cat, re-named Cassie (her choice) outdid herself by catching her first mouse at her young and tender age. The other day as I walked into the toilet one ran out and disappeared into the kids room. It think it is safe to say that rather than coming from the shed we obviously have a family of them living happily somewhere in the house. Coco has become very adept at catching them so we brought her inside and told her to 'find' the mice. She became very busy and excited and looked to be doing the job...but came back with a tennis ball. I have started shaking my shoes out before putting them on and the cats are keeping busy at night hopefully getting rid of them. There are rabbits everywhere, which is kind of scary for mid winter...can't imagine what spring will be like. James still strides around taking pot shots of an evening but it seems the rabbits are pretty safe. At the recent Small Farm Field Days Show we found someone with a company called 'Bunny Blasters' which looks to be an effective and humane way of quickly destroying warrens and what is in them. It may come to it as there are scrapings and holes all over the place. Jessie is still yet to have an outing and just grows fatter and happier in her cage.
On the animal front Dora is so round she looks as though she is going to pop, however still has 6 weeks to go I am looking forward to seeing how a goat manages to waddle...Maggie also seems to be looking pregnant, however goats are notorious for being difficult to predict so we will have to wait until September and keep guessing. We have a new Gander, named Snowy... two of our other geese have gone to my friend Susie and as with most things here have missed out on being Christmas in July dinner. They have a very plaintiff 'honk' and I don't think either James or I could face it. Snowy is getting bullied by the drake who obviously has little man syndrome and picks on him terribly. He seems to be a gentle giant. Lastly I went to shut the chooks in last night and Wendy and Son of Brad (I'm sure it is a rooster) were roosting in the main chook house - he was sitting up next to his Mum looking very proud of himself, it was quite cute.