Most mornings for at least the last month have included the body of a mouse being left helpfully beside the bed, or in a doorway (in perfect position to step on whilst blundering about and trying to open my eyes). Initially we have felt very proud that our city slicker cats are obviously venturing over to the barn to rid us of pesky little mice. Today after rummaging in the cupboard James came running out with one of my shoes in a plastic bag with what he hoped was a mouse inside. It appears we have live ones in the house, which begs the question - are all those little dead mice actually coming in from the shed or is our house crawling with a mouse plague. I am not entirely sure what is worse..spiders or mice. Mice are definitely cuter but really make you jump when you pick up something and they shoot out and run off. Anyway, I am trying hard to come up with good excuses because as you can see Emily has a new friend we have christened "Betty". She is meant to live in the shed and rid us of mice and hopefully therefore snakes....she is currently in the laundry.. hmm. We have had Maguire's namesake visit (not sure if that is the right way around)...anyway, Chris visited the pig that we named after him this week and filled us in on all news and gossip from North London...he also laughed at us when we complained bitterly of the cold. It reminded us that we arrived this time last year and many people were astonished that James insisted on wearing shorts every day. To us it was hot but everyone else was in deepest winter. Change doesn't take long does it.