A tree change from the middle of London to the middle of Central West NSW...
Thursday, March 27, 2008
James takes empathy to a new level..
This week we have had both pan fried goat and slow roasted goat shoulder. I don't deny that the whole goat saga has been a little stressful for me. I felt very guilty about the little pain in the bum that was Bam Ram. I therefore approached the whole goat eating with great trepidation and so carefully watched Fiona as she ate before me for a hint of goat identification in the meat (which with Fiona would make her run wretching from the table). This was not forthcoming and so whilst I made a bit of a fuss I had to eat my words after eating the goat, as it tasted not too different from lamb. So encouraged am I that I am taking Dora back to a Boer (meat breed) goat for her to be re-joined as the only setback of getting rid of her kids is that she appears to be quickly drying up milk wise.
We again have a full week of sausages - this weekend a Mudgee Food and Wine event in Birkenhead in Sydney, on Thursday a bike-riding event that sees around 1000 bikeriders descending on Mudgee (hopefully feeling desperately in need of a pork sausage) and Friday we have another local wine event at which our sausages and pork belly will be one of a number of options to soak up a bit of alcohol. This week we are bravely moving away from the gourmet sausage and trying hot pork rolls as well....
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Happy Easter

Thursday, March 13, 2008
Our Pigs are lucky but surely it should be normal??
Watch if you dare!! The videos are particularly distressing - especially for me when I know what a nice life our herd has..
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Ormiston Free Range is open for business...

The website is in progress and you can contact us on james@ormistonfreerange.com.au or georgie@ormistonfreerange.com.au from now on. Sausage recipes gratefully received!
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Goat dairy??

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Well, it was a proud day for Coco and Felix who entered the Pet Show at the local Mudgee Show today. Competition was TOUGH...amongst the 3 entries in the class there was a guinea pig, a chihuahua and of course Coco. Felix took over the microphone and the conversation around the showground went a little like this:
I only wish that I got some entries in for the baked section of the show - some of my special favourites were - best packet baked cake and - best loaf from a breadmaker... James is determined to win both next year. The animal nursery was met with boredom by both kids who said 'we have all of those animals at home, why would I want to see them here', however both went on the Dodgem cars with James to great excitement although Emily looked as though she was going to throw up for a lot of it (as did James towards the end). Sadly we couldn't stay for the ute muster although we were determined to stay and see the first heat of the camel race...
The Girls Move into their new field

Here are the girls in their new 'home'...it is a much bigger field with some maize in it (right) that they made very short work of in the first 24 hours. They are having a lovely time galloping about and generally trashing the new area, meanwhile James is planning to plant a turnip crop in the old paddock to give them something to dig around and eat when it eventually recovers. Meanwhile D day approaches quickly - Gloria is due at the abattoir next Tuesday, true to our usual style we have some slight last minute problems with the politics between the Free Range Pork Farmers Association (Us) and the Australian Pork Limited (intensive) - it appears that there is not much love lost between some members of each and we may not be able to get a number that is necessary to tick the box for the final hurdle when taking them to the abattoir... we have a contingency plan and it is apparently being fought out over the weekend - who would have thought - I am trying not to worry about it because there is a possibility that we may grind to a halt at the final stages but we are thinking POSITIVE.
Final sausage tastings took place with our travelling farmhands making a very welcome comback, and James also tried some of the Mudgee Fine Foods committee members to finalise our thoughts. The banner is being printed and the aprons are too (watch out for our merchandise next). It suddenly occurred to me this week that we are actually going to do this, every weekend, from now on (when I made this point to someone they were astonished that it has taken this long to hit me). I can only assume I have been in denial for my own sanity.