Monday, September 7, 2009

Open for Business

Well - almost 2 years to month the first sows arrived we have opened the doors to The Farmers Pantry. Doing the Sydney Market the day before probably didn't reflect a particularly good thought process, however we sold 300 kg of pork and headed back to try and get our head around being shop keepers with our usual degree of total disorganisation.

The idea was to not tell anyone and have a dry run through - this worked well and thankfully we have made a very wise decision in employing Tiff, who has cafe experience and makes a better coffee than I can ever hope to - and really just rolled up her sleeves and made everything work in a way that made us both forever grateful. James has taken to coffee making in his usual manner and is suddenly an experienced barista. I am very good at flat whites...oh and babycino's when I make the milk too frothy - anything in between seems impossible. More practice. On day one the dishwasher broke, we lost power on one side of the kitchen and something died in the roof leading to a terrible smell this morning. I go by the thought that the worse it is leading up to an event, the better it will be on the day - this seemed to hold true.

Anyway - here are some pictures...we are now shopkeepers!