Just when you thought you were sick of photos of baby animals I add a new species. Driving up the driveway after running 7.5 km as part of my new bootcamp regime this morning I assumed I was seeing double, however Ruth in her usual capable and calm way delivered this little bundle at some point last night. The kids were very excited this morning for about 5 seconds but soon wandered off whilst I stood there and stared until they were late for school. I don't think I have mentioned Ruth before, however she has come up to stay for a couple of months to make completely sure that the kids really really do like riding before we make the decision to add pony club to the ridiculous array of sports that I seem to spend my life driving around to. So far Emily in particular shows no intention of losing her interest in it and Ruth is proving to be an incredibly sweet and gentle little pony.
Today at long last we made the decision to buy a ride on lawn mower.... the thought of pushing the hand mower around on a weekly basis to keep up with the grass in the garden, orchard and now down the driveway was just all too much. We gave in. James then drove it around like a dodgem car mowing the lawns at a speed that I am not sure it is really meant to cut grass at. I may never have to do the job again.
We are gearing up for a big weekend with 2 markets, sausage selling at Day on the Green with 4,000 people expected and a farm walk open to the public on Sunday. With around 60 piglets born over the last 2 weeks we have plenty of cute factor to cater to the masses.