Scratching above our heads at night, squeaking in the cupboards, Coco on high alert at all times. At this time each year since we experience the annual (well, I am christening it as such) mouse plague. Apparently we are not alone - the appearance of large signs outside the rural stores advertising mouse bait means that I don't need to be too paranoid about the cleanliness of the house. This year however we have pet mice too... something which Coco has found terribly confusing and exciting at the same time. As you can see, Brad and Rosie are somewhat chubbier versions than their wild counterparts, however when we do hear squeaking we check first because they have been known to escape (despite being fatties they do seem to squeeze through very small spaces). James managed to castrate Brad (demonstrating that he has excellent eyesight and is a clever surgeon) so that Rosie did not add to the already growing population, we are just hoping that she does not have any inappropriate visitors in the cage at night.