It is true what they say, dogs
are like children. Felix has been photographed minute by minute but with Emi we stuck to the major milestones. Fergie as our 3rd dog has sadly missed out. I did however get some great mother and daughter shots today as she seems to have got the hang of a) staying and b) searching through the haybales for mice with Coco. My training whistles have arrived from the UK and James has sourced a shotgun that he is most happy with so all he needs now is some rain (fat chance) and it will be like a striding over the English countryside. Apart from her ridiculous name, which we just can't change (despite racking our brains) she is a great little dog. To my great surprise we have a doggy daycare centre which is most excellently run in Mudgee and she just loves to go there - she gets her exercise on the running machine, has a swim in the hydrotherapy pool and generally socialises with the other dogs. Coco is quite happy to have her around and we are all very devoted to her.