It is dry dry dry - however as I type this it appears that the way to encourage rain is to plan something that requires it to absolutely not happen. Felix and James discovered this when they decided to camp on the back paddock during the school holidays. Tomorrow we had booked the sheep in to be shorn. Again this requires them to be completely dry. Despite no forecasted rain it chucked down 10mm in 20 minutes this afternoon...shearing is put off until Sunday.

Jazz is enjoying the green grass on the soak away.

Our olives are growing beautifully - the goats are not in James' good books after getting through the gate and stripping all spring growth off the entire orchard and also eating the 2nd year asparagus crowns that we just really hope will grow back again. They are lucky to be alive..

Meanwhile fencing of the said orchard, back vege garden and house paddock in general is going ahead at a great rate.