The idea was to not tell anyone and have a dry run through - this worked well and thankfully we have made a very wise decision in employing Tiff, who has cafe experience and makes a better coffee than I can ever hope to - and really just rolled up her sleeves and made everything work in a way that made us both forever grateful. James has taken to coffee making in his usual manner and is suddenly an experienced barista. I am very good at flat whites...oh and babycino's when I make the milk too frothy - anything in between seems impossible. More practice. On day one the dishwasher broke, we lost power on one side of the kitchen and something died in the roof leading to a terrible smell this morning. I go by the thought that the worse it is leading up to an event, the better it will be on the day - this seemed to hold true.
Anyway - here are some pictures...we are now shopkeepers!