The above news probably won't be a surprise to anyone, however in my defence there was a 'complete role reversal whereby I stayed focused and James steadily convinced me that in fact we definitely needed another spaniel. In all honesty there probably wasn't a huge amount of convincing needed, especially after Harry's owner Steve, also owner of the Dad came up to get him with two of his working spaniels. Jessie had her best day ever, and flushed seven rabbits...she is still asleep, James is saving for a shotgun and suddenly the prospect of English style shoots up here are on the cards. We have tried to change Fergie's name but unfortunately it has stuck. Yesterday she spent the day with James in the ute meeting butchers, tyre changers and many others as well as going into pre-school and running about with Emi's classmates. She loves her crate almost as much as Woody.
The horses are shedding their winter coats, I could have woven a rug out of the hair that came of Sparkle during grooming this morning. We are still desperate for rain and too scared to look in the tanks. The shop is doing well, we are off to Sydney markets this weekend and the school holidays start. It never stops around here...