So much for calculating the pregnancy carefully - I trundled off happily to our week in Sydney thinking that the babies were due the week after, only to realise the night before we came home that they were in fact due that day. Coco kept her legs crossed and waddled to the gate to greet me and after a week we couldn't believe that she wasn't carrying a watermelon. She kept to her bed for the next 24 hours but still waddled up behind the quad bike to do the pigs morning and night. By Saturday she came out with me to do the chickens and as I came out of the chicken shed I noticed that she was looking at me with eyes like saucers and standing in a very odd way. We hurried her back inside by which time Lizzie was already pretty much out (bum first). The kids, Coco and I were all a bit surprised so Lizzie was lucky that James jumped in and took off the membrane to get her breathing. What followed was a long night - mostly for James as I gave up at 3am and went to bed. Coco was very confused about the whole thing - on the one hand she cleaned them all up very thoroughly and was happy for them to feed, but when they started screaming and moving all over the place she found it very overwhelming.... I empthasied totally. After she went to snap at them a few times we decided that she was the devil and I sat in the whelping box with her when I took over the shift from James at 5am. Thankfully the mothering hormones kicked in pretty well, by the afternoon she had started looking all doe eyed at them and I have had a hard time getting her away from them ever since. They are of course utterly adorable and we have gone with a Royal Family theme so we have; Lizzie, Annie, Fergie, Camilla (my favourite), Beatrice, Charlie (also known as Fat Charlie or possibly Henry the 8th as he is vastly bigger than the others and never stops feeding), Harry, Billy and Eugenie.