I'm pretty sure that Emi completely faked her illness symptoms to get out of school and be present for Coco's ultra-sound today. She was more excited than I was (and that is really saying something) and insisted on holding Coco's paw throughout. Coco lay back legs akimbo and dozed away with her tail wagging like a model patient and James started counting. Seven definites and one maybe - I took a photo of the screen when I could actually see two of the little tadpole dogs for good measure. Emi was fairly sure that James would be able to take them out for her to have a quick cuddle and then put them back in and is still a little hazy about the whole thing. The last time she saw one of the pig placentas she exclaimed "that is
disgusting I am NEVER EVER having a baby" - Felix, showing early chauvenistic tendencies answered "bad luck, you have to if you are a girl".