No, it isn't a stick - it is a snake - and no, James hasn't turned into Steve Irwin - its dead. Not by our hands - it was run over at our gate. As it was probably heading into the property I can't say I'm very sorry. It is actually the first time that we have seen one close up (apart from the black snake last year). It seems that everyone else has seen brown snakes on our place except us. Even dead I must admit I kept expecting it to snap out of it and lunge at someone. I'm sure we all fleetingly thought maybe we should move to New Zealand... but its okay, we are over it...
On a sadder note we are holding vigil next to Jessie's bed as she was looking very much worse for wear when Vanessa went to check on her today. Initial test results suggest she is diabetic which has been workshopped by the vets and I suspect a complicated and never-seen-in-Mudgee surgery will follow, although not actually being a vet I have no idea what is in store for her. It is quite sad as she is a likeable little ferret so I am hoping that she is going to stick around.
We would also very much like some rain now....please...