James' ferret has been christened Jessie - we have a farmyard of animals now almost exclusively named after Toy Story characters, as you can see our attempt at the Good Life has not extended to chucking in the television. We did attempt this at the beginning, primarily because ours blew up before we left, however after a month we went into the local electronic store to get something else and 15 minutes later found our children lying on their stomachs with heads in hands entranced in the middle of the tv section. Worried that this would happen when they went to people's houses we decided to scrap the idea and promptly bought one. Anyway, after a day of numerous trips to the hardware store and much hammering and noise coming from the shed, James presented her with a ferrett palace. She loves it so much we haven't seen her for 24 hours but we can hear her rustling about in it. All hopes of a rabbit free property are now resting on her little shoulders, however she is actually quite sweet and follows James around when he lets her out for a run. Despite my earlier misgivings I am not sure that she wont end up sleeping in front of the fire with the dogs on a winter evening - James assures me however that she will continue to have her unique odour - or as the kids say 'yuk, she stinks' - so maybe not. Happy New Year to everyone.