We have just moved the growers on to the next paddock...it has been resting for 8 months and the abundant rain has had quite an effect...
It has been a busy (cringe) 5 months since our last post... we have had lots of press and publicit. In the last 2 weeks the cafe made the SMH Good Food Guide 2011, Delicious Magazine and we just had the crew from Landline and Sydney Weekender film us and our opinions. Taking an empty bucket into the paddock with 14 hungry sows for the camera ended up with Harriet giving me the 'look' that meant that I held my nerve for about 4 seconds and then threw the bucket down and reversed out of the paddock at great speed. Apparently I may now end up on the bloopers roll... We are gearing up for the Christmas orders and as usual wish our small farm could yield more. Still, keeping them as happy as above means that we have to keep the farm idyllic and our numbers small.