We are back - after a lovely long (and cold) break. Before we left blogging became absolutely impossible as the Christmas rush meant little sleep and no ability to think outside of cuts of pork and smoked goods. Luckily everything went off without a hitch and all customers were happy. Demand meant that any pig that looked like it was weighing it at over 40kg was sent off and it reminded me of the chant from the movie Babe ("Christmas is carnage"). We are just getting back to production levels now and both had to hit the ground running after getting off the plane pretty much.
Our best Christmas present was obviously the rain, all 6 inches or so of it. Our dams are completely full, as are our water tanks, and in fact the difference between here and Singapore doesn't seem so huge. It is such a huge relief and seemed very strange to leave dry, yellow bare earth and come back to a lawn that was knee high in places.
We are getting ready for both Felix and
Emi to go back to school next week and have many plans for the year ahead. It was so lovely in the UK for so many reasons but we loved the many farm shops pigs living as they should out in the fields. I attach a photo which I couldn't resist taking. Have a look at our
slideshow of the holiday. I'm off to finish my patriotic Australia Day