After much organisation and a lot of help from neighbours, family and friends (and the drought...in that the lack of rain meant we didn't have to hire a marquee) we made sure that James had a 40th Birthday party that would take away the need to have any sort of midlife crisis. We had such a brilliant night that most people forgot to take photos - and those that were taken are a touch on the blurry side. At last count we had about 70 people and 20 kids running around madly. Felix needed a day off on Monday to recover. We had fire buckets around the house for warmth, a pig on the spit and of course the Goducken... although actually it was partridge, inside guinea fowl, inside a duck, inside a chicken and finally a goose. Expertly boned and stuffed with sausage meat by James. James' parents were here for the party as part of a 3 week stay that meant our fencing up the drive is well underway and the paddocks have had their yearly slashing with thanks to Peter. Woody has been very lonely as Coco has gone off to learn the meaning of life with a very nice Springer Spaniel called Ash. She pined for her pig dog friends for a while but apparently gave in after it seemed apparent they were not coming to rescue her. We pick her up tomorrow and now wait to see whether or not she will be pregnant with crossed fingers.
We are aiming to open our farm shop by end of June or July at the latest and are madly growing up our 'smallgoods' pigs for salami and bacon which there seems an endless demand for. Last but not least it seems this seems like a good place to announce that we have booked our trip back to the UK for Christmas this year. We will be flying out on December the 21st exhausted after ham sales and very much looking forward to coming back and seeing everyone. Felix and Emi are very excited, firstly about seeing their cousins, secondly the Queen and an equal second is the possibility of snow....their words not mine. I thought I would share a conversation that Emi and Felix had between themselves last week whilst eating their dinner:
Emi: "Who was born first"
Felix: (chewing on his food and thinking about it pauses) "Jesus" (he has started scripture lessons at school which seem to have had a big impact..hmm)
Emi: "No..I don't think so"
Felix: "Yes, I am telling you it is true"
Emi: "Um..no, you were born first, then me...it definitely wasn't Jesus"